Five out of twenty videos – and this is a slow day.
The number of videos that actually contain half-naked girls… One.
This is a common ploy called D.U.M.B., or, Deception Using Meritless Bimbos.
You see, what D.U.M.B. does is it entices the viewer, predominantly male, to want to click on the video because they expect a video of a girl in a bra or other various articles of seductive clothing.
For example, the common user would see the title: “Miley Cryus in pool with uncle” and drop anything he's doing (baby's included) to see this video as fast as he can. But hold on one second my friend, hold on.
Here is a screen-cap of what he would be looking at.

Now before we proceed, look at that dismal rating. This is a dead giveaway that Miley Cyrus is not in the pool with her uncle. In fact, upon further inspection it’s the complete opposite: Kevin Federline.
Oh K-Fed, you almost got me! ( for those interested.
But how did they get that image of a girl on there in the first place? For those who haven’t uploaded a video, let me explain.
There are three segments that you can choose to use as your preview thumbnail. Youtube automatically takes three screen-shots throughout the video – one-third of the way through, halfway through, and two-thirds through.
Once the video is fully edited they slip a picture of a girl halfway through the video and once it's uploaded they set it as their default display image.
The actual application of this procedure is called the Applied Screen-shot Secret, or, A.S.S.
Listen, if you have to deceive people into clicking the video in the first place then that should tell you how terrible your video actually is. What makes you think people will even enjoy it once they realize they have been had?
When D.U.MB. is combined with A.S.S. the results are usually powerful and will always gain over 100,000 hits -- something every Youtuber strives for.
And then there’s the parade of comments along with the video that can easily ruin your day faster than the depressing medium known as the local news.

In the words of jcac062907, “this is retarted”.
And that comment right there is the reason why the Internet is amazing. Seriously? The “t” isn’t even next to “d”, how does this get messed up?
Comments in videos like these are often more funny than anything else on Youtube. The inane fights that people start leave me wondering if the world would be better off without the Internet.
And then for no reason at all the anonymous Youtubers try to get into politics. This you have to see to believe.

Yes, CocolutoBeans is claiming this video is “a stupid as Obama”. Honestly, when you’re trying to put something or someone else down, double check your comment.
Thatkidnumber24 comes back later to say that McCain can’t remember “tha dumb retarded speaches he puts together”.
Grammar aside, did anyone else know that McCain now writes his own “speaches”?
Sifting through a video like this has me questioning the future of our country and the responsibility that these anonymous posters will have in the coming years.
You will honestly feel a little more empty aside after reading 100 or so comments exactly like this.
And that is the art of a D.U.M.B.A.S.S. video. Remember, be aware of the stars and you should be OK.
Oh, and don’t go through the comments because you’ll end up with a gun to your mouth and a bottle of pills next to your bed.
This is just another friendly reminder from your resident Youtube expert and- wait a minute.
Jackpot, just found a video with a hot chick that actually contains a hot chick, gtg.
Note: Scrue barrak and old fogy mccain! RON PAUL FOR OUR COUNTIES FUTURE!