The debates are finished. The issues are on the table. Now let’s get viral.
The Internet has offered an interesting twist in the saga of Presidential elections. Now we can dig up old facts, historic videos and new dirt – with a few lies in there as well.
More importantly, the smear campaigning and defamation to both candidates can now run rampant all over major Websites and the entire World Wide Web.
Propaganda can wear many faces. It can be comedic, serious, fearful or believe it or not.. complete lies. But as they say, that’s politics.
Youtube users have not failed to use the site as such, as thousands of videos are floating around attempting to defame the other candidate. However one video personally made me laugh out loud and it wasn’t until the end that it hit me.
After watching many videos, this McCain one struck a nerve.
Let me preface this by saying my political beliefs are not on the Republican side. Now let's proceed.
This specific video posed as an interactive chain letter hoping to cause a ruckus among the Internet faithful, also known as E-faithful.
Instead of just text as seen in an e-mail or letter we saw visual evidence of the cross-talking of the presidential nominee. The video directed us through multiple cases in which Senator McCain seemed two-faced.
Now how to get this spread?
There’s only one solution: propaganda directing propaganda.
After the video ends it says: “It’s up to you to get the word out” as intense murder music plays in the background. And if this isn’t enough we see more text fade in:
“Send this to 10 people, and tell them to pass it on.”
All of a sudden a feeling of “you’ve been had” fell over me. The Internet Chain Letter Video at it’s best.
There’s always been a strong belief in my group of friends that if a video has to ask you to pass it on or if you have to beg people to subscribe to you, then maybe your stuff just isn’t that good.
Devil’s advocate would say, well how else do you get it out there? But that’s a different argument in itself.
Maybe it’s the years of being told that chain letters fall in the same category as black-tar heroin, Rosie O’Donnell naked and a nuclear explosion – Stuff you never want to see in your life.
But having this video tell me to tell other people and then to have those people tell more people seemed like begging.
And to make things better the background is black and the text is blood red. Let’s see here, murder music, red text, begging… It’s one of those videos that will hit hard or miss hard. And the view count is…….
It’s a political campaign ad that scares you into sending it to other people in the end (take notes if you plan on making it big on Youtube. That or see "Celebrities killed the internet star".)
In fact, this video comes from a user who is devoted on bringing John McCain down: All 302 videos.
He has over 24,000 subscribers and even has a background promoting his site.. And what do you know, it’s an interactive blog site jam-packed with liberal love.
And there you have it. Promote the crap out of smear ads, tell people what they need to do, get them to your Youtube channel which will get them to your website which will generate hits which will then generate revenue.
Heh, maybe this chain video thing isn’t such a bad idea after all. Good thing I didn’t personally send this to 10 people like the stupid video told me to.
Wait a minute…
good column, I like the punchline in the end =]
Nicely done column, partcularly the punchline.
And I did forward that video to quite a few people when I saw it the first time.
It's a whole new world out there of political discourse, captured in a micro incident here...
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